
Stay up to date with all of the latest additions and improvements I've made to my website.

  • What's coming up

    Future plans

    Within a short amount of time I plan to roll out a few additions to the website. These include:

    • More blog posts.
    • A snippets page with useful code I have found or written.
    • Update cononical tags for all pages.
  • Blog work, article addition and home page update

    12 December 2023

    Nothing major.

    • Added a new blog post about this portfolio of which a case study will follow soon.
    • Updated home page CTA section.
    • Fixed a Google Analytics error with the contact page.
    • Reworked some of the blogs styling and functionality with work on a pipe to allow scripts I add to posts (still a WIP).
    • Removed the animation from the footer as I preferred the last item you see to not animate indicating it is the end of the page.
  • Animations & page loader

    01 December 2023

    Added some much needed quality of life features.

    • Added animations to each page.
    • Added a page loader to help when routes are lazy-loading.
    • Updated qualifications & studies section.
    • Updated icons for X (formerly Twitter).
  • Angular 17 Rewrite (Standalone, lazy-loading, SSR & more)

    17 November 2023

    With the release of Angular 17 came a lot of excitement on my part for the new features hinted at and at a chance to refresh my Angular skills.

    With the rewrite of my site I have included the following:

    • Server Side Rendering for faster load times. (A decrease of 3.5s load to 1.6s).
    • Standalone components - the new standard of Angular.
    • Use of the new @for and @if loops with track for increased performance.
    • A rewrite of my previous js scripts, now converted to pure Typescript.
    • Light/Dark mode uses your system preferences initially and then stores your choice for future.
      This also removed flickering on the initial site load showing both icons.
    • Additions to my blog (finally).